Doggie Day care has the following benefits -
Opening times -
Check in is from 8.30am - 10.30am or 7am - 8.30am by appointment.
Collection by 4pm - 5.45pm weekdays or 3pm - 4.45pm weekends.
Out of hours times can be arranged to accommodate you.
Your dog will receive 3 or 4 walks during the day depending on collection time. These can be off lead in group fun walks to make friends. Or if you prefer one to one exercise and attention.
Doggie Day care is suitable for dogs of all ages, including puppies from 12 weeks old, fully vaccinated ready to explore the world and senior dogs that want a quiet stroll and fuss.
Our rates for Doggie Day care are -
One dog £25.00
Two dogs £38.00
Three dogs £43.00
Collection and delivery service for doggie day care on the following days and places each week!
Monday - York
Tuesday - Boroughbridge
Wednesday - York
Thursday Boroughbridge
Friday - York
Get in touch to check availability and see if we cover your postcode.
Doggie day care on the taxi starts from £30.00